At the request of the executive of the Friends of the Farm, contractor Rob Roy toured the buildings of the Charlottetown Experimental Farm with Mike Hennigar who is in charge of property at the Research Station. Rob concluded that 6 of the buildings slated for disposal could be useful in the future and would be worth preserving. These 6 are:
1. 5 car garage
2. Apple House Storage
3. Horticultural Building
4. Vehicle Storage Building [Bull Barn]
5. Cereal Barn
6. 8 car garage opposite Bull Barn
All of the above would require extensive work in order to be functional. We have sent a letter to Mike Hennigar to request that they be removed from the disposal list.
The Friends have no objection to the disposal of the following buildings which either contain mildew or pesticides or are in such a state that the cost of repair would be prohibitive :
1. Pea Vin Building
2.Small Equipment Storage
3.Birch Court
4.Sheep Barn
5.Fertilizer Storage
6.Pesticide Storage
The Friends of the Farm would like to express our sincere thanks to Rob Roy for volunteering his time and expertise to our cause. We would also like to thank Mike Hennigar for his patient cooperation with the Friends .