Good morning everyone, I would like to thank you for attending and I would also like to take this opportunity on behalf of Friends of the Farm to thank Mayor Lee and Council for their support on this very important project. The Friends of the Farm look forward to working with the city as a partner in our shared goal of developing the Experimental Farm as the next jewel in the city’s park system.
Our proposal today is consistent with the Friends of the Farm 2004 Ravenwood plan. The fundamental principle of this plan is respect for spirit of place. Every element of the plan relates in some way to the cultural, agricultural, and horticultural heritage of the Farm and to the characteristics, needs, and wishes of the community which surrounds it. This plan allows for the sale of two parcels totaling approximately 7 acres. The revenue generated from this sale would ensure the vast majority of the farm be retained as public space in perpetuity. The remaining approximately 81 acres will be protected from future development – translating into 92% of the existing 88 acres preserved for public space.
The Friends of the Farm consider this day to be symbolic. With 2009 marking the 100th anniversary of the Experimental Farm, we feel a symbolic seed has been planted for the future of the farm. Like the many seeds that were planted over the past 100 years providing knowledge to our agriculture community as well as natural beauty for the general public to enjoy. Our hope today is the seed we have planted with this proposal will "grow" and provide beauty and enjoyment for future generations.
In closing, on behalf of Friends of the Farm, I would like to express gratitude to the general public for their overwhelming support and encouragement as we move forward in this process.